March 1, 2000

For the last ten years, I have held a certain fascination with zines, which I like to define as homemade magazines to those who aren't aware of the phenomenon. What's absolutely pathetic is that in all that time I could never get my act together to actually put one out on paper myself.

Instead, I would buy books about zines.

And so, as a feeble means to justify this past obsession, I now present

The Rain Barrel Extremely Digestible
Zine Bookshelf

The World of Zines : A Guide to the Independent Magazine Revolution (1992)
Zine reviews are grouped under such headings as "Fringe Culture", "Music" and "Hobbies & Collecting" and are interspersed with illustrations from said zines. Advice and resources for starting your own zine are also included. Street Cred: Founded the bible of zines, Factsheet5. Capsule review: As most zines don't last more than three issues, a directory to zines has a very short shelf life. Didn't age well. Luckily, Mike now 'blogs.

'zine (1995)
The blurb describes it quite well: "For six years, I published a magazine all about myself. In it, I documented everything from my dreadlocks hair care tips to the antics of my roommate's pet pig to my travails as a struggling fiction writer. The magazine was a little Xeroxed, stapled together thing that I handed out to friends and acquaintances - but it changed my life. I began publishing it in an effort to procrastinate, to trick people into liking me, to get dates, to turn myself into a star, and to transform my boring life into an epic story. And the scary thing was. it worked." Street cred factor: six years in the wilderness; has since published novels. Capsule review: it's good, it's honest, and shows how a zinester can turn one life into a literary character or even a subpop star. Oh yeah, Pagan's wired too.

Zines Volume I (1996)
The reputable RE/Search:Vsearch publishing house tackles zines the same way it approaches all its other cultural subjects: lengthy interviews with the creators. The authors of Thrift Score, Beer Frame, Crap Hound, Housewife Turned Assassin, Meat Hook, X-Ray, Mystery Date, AK Distribution, Outpunk, Fat Girl, and Bunnyhop speak out. Street cred factor: RE/Search: V Search Publishing has truckloads brother. Capsule review: a great way to learn what drives people to create zines or at least to learn what they look like. 

Zines Volume II (1997)
More interviews with the creators of Dishwasher Pete, Temp Slave, McJob, Revolutionary Knitting Circle, Aim Your Dick, Slant, Eight-Track Mind, Tiki News, Arthur Cravan, Bruno Richard, International Mail Art, It's a Wonderful Lifestyle, and Murder Can Be Fun. What I Learned: Candi Strecker, creator of It's A Wonderful Lifestyle, has been doing zines since 1979. Since she graduated from library school, I may add.

The Book of Zines (1997)
Chip lets the zines speak for themselves as the book is comprised from many short excerpts from many different zines. Street cred factor: author of Chip's Closet Cleaner; works for a real magazine (Playboy), keeps the zine faith with his website. Capsule review: It makes for a very strange, but entertaining anthology. You don't really learn that much about zines, but learning by example is the zine way of doing things anyway.

The Factsheet Five Zine Reader (1997)
It seems that Seth learned from his predecessor's book to concentrate on zine excepts as opposed to zine reviews. Street cred factor: another past editor of Factsheet Five. Capsule review: Like The Book of Zines, but with fewer but longer excerpts and with a greater variety of sources. It would have a good zine book - in any other year than 1997.

Notes from Underground : Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture (1997)
Unlike all the previous zine books, this one is dedicated to analysis of the zine scene. The gist of the book: "radical culture" - by itself - doesn't really challenge the powers that be. Street cred factor: Stephen is an associate professor who just happens to write regularly for the Baffler. Capsule Review: I really love it. There's enough analysis going on to encourage a rethinking of zines and its done with a minimum of coaching the language in acadamese. 

It took a while, but finally I no longer have the drive to buy books on zines. At least I have a nice collection to donate to some library in the future.
