November 8, 1999

The Rain Barrel Extremely Digestible Bibliography
today's subject:


TITLE: A babel of broadcasts
AUTHOR(S): Hopkins,-Mark
SOURCE: Columbia-Journalism-Review. v. 38 no2 July/Aug. 1999 p.44-7
ABSTRACT: The United States is propagandizing the world with a confusion of needless radio and TV programs.  U.S. taxpayers are now supporting not just one Voice of America, but seven additional special interest radio and television services that broadcast information and opinion globally.  This complex, unique, and flimsy structure has become a symbol of its managers' ignorance, shortsightedness, and conspicuous wastefulness.  A single Radio/TV America, uniting all the existing U.S. services in a U.S. international public broadcasting system, would best serve the principles of a free and open press that characterize the best of American journalism.
DESCRIPTORS: International-broadcasting; Radio-in-propaganda;

TITLE: Massification revisited: country music and demography
AUTHOR(S): Grabe,-Maria-Elizabeth
SOURCE: Popular-Music-and-Society. v. 21 no4 Winter 1997 p. 63-84
ABSTRACT: The writer investigates the country music audience in terms of the "massification" hypothesis.  According to this hypothesis, she explains, the music has proliferated to such a degree that it has become the preferred music of demographic groups and inhabitants of geographic regions not traditionally associated with country music. She takes account of the expanding popularity of country music by examining the growing number of all-country radio stations and analyzes the demographic profile of country music fans by using statistical data. She affirms the notion that country music has grown in popularity but contends that there is little support for the massification hypothesis.  Analyzing data that suggest that the demographic profile of country fans has been remarkably stable over a 13-year period, she demonstrates that country music supporters are part of a discrete taste culture that can be distinguished by such demographic factors as age, race, education, employment status, regionality, and the size of residential areas
DESCRIPTORS: Radio-audiences; Radio-programs-Country-music;
Radio-broadcasting-industry-United-States; Industrial-statistics

TITLE: Media, politics, and artful speech: Kuna radio programs
AUTHOR(S): De-Gerdes,-Marta-Lucia
SOURCE: Anthropological-Linguistics. v. 40 no4 Winter 1998 p. 596-616
ABSTRACT: The writer examines the ethnographic context of radio broadcasts by the Kuna Indians of Panama and analyzes the use of language in these speech events.  She explains that Kuna radio programs exhibit verbally artistic features and dialogic patterning characteristics found in well-studied Kuna genres, particularly certain formal and ritual performances.  She maintains that this emerging style of discourse confirms the centrality of verbal art in Kuna society and its strategic function in internal and external Kuna politics.  The text of a Kuna broadcast on May 28, 1994, is provided in an appendix.
DESCRIPTORS: Indians-in-radio-broadcasting;
Radio-programs-Panama; Cuna-Indians

TITLE: Radio rules
AUTHOR(S): Polter,-Julie
SOURCE: Sojourners. v. 28 no1 Jan./Feb. 1999 p. 11-12
ABSTRACT: In 1978, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) stopped licenses for low-power (ten watt and under) non-commercial FM stations. Several hundred microbroadcasters say this ban is an infringement of free speech.  They argue that microbroadcasters and the FCC should work together to make low-power stations an orderly part of the radio spectrum and that creating air space for community-based radio is essential for a healthy civil society.
DESCRIPTORS: Freedom-of-speech-United-States;

TITLE: "Right out in public": Pacifica Radio, the cold war, and the political origins of alternative media
AUTHOR(S): Lasar,-Matthew, 1954-
SOURCE: Pacific-Historical-Review. v. 67 no4 Nov. 1998 p.
ABSTRACT: The history of the Pacifica Foundation, the
organization that founded noncommercial FM radio, illustrates the compromises between radicalism and the state that produced the ideology of the alternative media.  As it negotiated its way through the threats posed by McCarthyism, the Pacifica Foundation defined many of the terms and ideas now associated with alternativity.  The credo of alternativity was developed by the founders of public broadcasting not because it reflected their worldview, but because it allowed them to go in the general direction they wanted to without too much government interference.  The Pacifica Foundation was initially inspired by anarcho-pacifist objectives, but the creators of Pacifica radio responded to the threat posed by the anticommunist state by inventing the less radical ideology of alternativity.
DESCRIPTORS: Pacifica-Foundation; Radio-and-politics;
Communism-Anticommunist-measures; Alternative-radio-broadcasting

TITLE: The role of radio in the Rwandan genocide
AUTHOR(S): Kellow,-Christine-L; Steeves,-H.-Leslie
SOURCE: Journal-of-Communication. v. 48 no3 Summer 1998 p.
ABSTRACT: The writers analyze and interpret the role of the
government-controlled Radio-Television Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) in the 1994 Rwandan genocide, which entailed mass killings both of and by civilians.  They discuss the historical and political context of the genocide and examine excerpts from RTLM radio broadcasts and observational accounts.  In addition, by means of several strands of communication scholarship related to collective reaction effects and dependency theory, they interpret the role played by radio in inciting the genocide.
DESCRIPTORS: Radio-Television-Libre-des-Mille-Collines-Rwanda;
Radio-programs-Psychological-aspects; Rwandan-propaganda; Rwanda-History-Civil-War-1991-1994-Atrocities

TITLE: A decade of indecency enforcement: a study of how the Federal Communications Commission assesses indecency fines (1987-1997)
AUTHOR(S): Rivera-Sanchez,-Milagros
SOURCE: Journalism-and-Mass-Communication-Quarterly. v. 75 no1 Spring 1998 p. 143-53
ABSTRACT: In recent years, the Federal Communications
Commission has been quite active in leveling fines against various broadcast outlets for "indecent" programming.  This study examines the standards that the FCC uses in an attempt to discover the way in which programs are evaluated and fines assessed. In conducting this study, the authors investigate whether the FCC has developed a predictable pattern to follow in reviewing programming and leveling fines.  Reprinted by permission of the publisher, AEJMC.
DESCRIPTORS: United-States-Federal-Communications-Commission;
Obscenity-Law; Fines-Penalties;

TITLE: Children's creative imagination in response to radio and television stories
AUTHOR(S): Valkenburg,-Patti-M; Beentjes,-Johannes-W.-J
SOURCE: Journal-of-Communication. v. 47 Spring 1997 p. 21-38
ABSTRACT: The writers investigate the hypothesis that radio
stories elicit more novel responses than do television stories because they are less well remembered (faulty-memory hypothesis).  They presented 64 children at two age levels (grades 1 to 2 and 3 to 4) with one radio story and one television story and exposed half the children in both age groups to the radio story twice to stimulate their memory. Contrary to the faulty-memory hypothesis, they find, double presentation of a radio story did not result in fewer novel ideas than did a single presentation.  In the older age group, they explain, radio stories elicited more novel responses than did television stories, but no medium difference in the younger age group was found.
DESCRIPTORS: Creation-Literary-artistic-etc; Storytelling-;
Television-Psychological-aspects; Radio-and-children; Television-and-children